Program Development and Change Management



This IT Risk Standard specifies the requirements for securing applications.



The objective of this procedure is to ensure proper testing is performed prior to migration into production environment.



The objective of this document is to define the approach and overall framework for software developments and the way they are implemented within the Company.



The objective of the Change Management Policy is to manage changes in a rational and predictable manner so that staff and clients can plan accordingly.



The objective of this policy is to ensure the integrity and availability of Company’s information and to prevent damages from uncontrolled changes to all IT and physical infrastructure services that…



This policy covers changes to the computing environments pertaining to business applications, infrastructure and infrastructure-supporting software (includes both base and configuration changes for purchased and custom software.



This objective of this Policy is to define the overall requirements for the management of changes to Company’s IT systems and applications.



The objective of this procedure is to ensure the integrity and availability of Company’s  information and to prevent damages from uncontrolled changes to all IT and physical infrastructure services that…



The objective of this document is to define the approach and overall framework for software developments and the way they are implemented within the Company’s information systems.