Information Security



This information classification policy sets out the principles under which information is to be classified.



Information classification is a process intended assigning a level of sensitivity to information/ data as it is being created, processed, stored or transmitted.



This procedure describes the actions necessary to comply with the Company’s Information Security Policy and Information Classification Policy.



This policy sets out the control objectives and minimum standards for the ownership, classification and handling of all forms of information.



The Company has adopted an Information Risk Management Policy (“Policy”) to describe rules and expectations for both itself and all its direct and indirect subsidiaries countrywide (together with the Company)…



The purpose of this policy is to develop a framework for timely and effective handling of information security incidents.



The objective of this document is the determination of a specific incident handling direct procedure, in order the negative consequences to be reduced and the Company appropriate operation to be…



The objective of this policy is to set up the foundation of security incidents management in order to minimize the damage and malfunctions, and to monitor and learn from such…



The objective of this Information Security Policy is to ensure that there is an appropriate focus by staff and management on the level of information security throughout Company supporting: a.…